Welcome to Our New Website!
The new FirstABS website has launched and it is chock full of useful information and helpful tips. Our user-friendly interface is designed for easy navigation, so please explore!
Here are a few features we would like to highlight:
- A link to Quiz Corner can now be found in the orange footer on each page. Be sure to click and answer!
- You can easily sign up to receive our e-Newsletter in the same orange footer located on each page. If you aren’t currently receiving it, please be sure to subscribe. Our e-newsletters feature a plethora of useful information, including product updates, the latest industry news, tips, staff profiles and more.
- Check out the Service Area link for a map of all our support locations. Please share this with other businesses you feel may benefit from partnering with FirstABS. We will be happy to reward you for your referrals!
- The News section includes our blog and e-newsletter archive. Be sure to read our blog and stay up-to-date with the latest industry news and information.
- If you need assistance, click the Support link and you will be offered a number of options to contact us for help.
- Our Social Links are located on the top right. Be sure to “Like” us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and connect with us on Google+ and LinkedIn.
Please take some time to familiarize yourself with our new website, and while you’re at it, let us know what you think!
Our number #1 priority is YOU. If you have any ideas or suggestions on how we can better serve you, we would love to hear them. We appreciate and value your feedback.
Please send us an email with your comments and thoughts.